Free Trial Class for new members. We invite you to try our program and find out how Berks East Gymnastics can be an important part of your child's development.
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Berks East Gym Programs
Free Trial Class for new members.
We invite you to try our program and find out how Berks East Gymnastics can be an important part of your child's development. Instructional classes are available for boys and girls, tots through teens.
Our programs are designed to be developmentally appropriate, yet challenging for even the most talented athletes. Class placement is determined by both age and ability. We offer free trial lessons to assist you with determining the most appropriate class for your child. The Master Staff also conducts individual evaluations when necessary.
All of our classes use standard gymnastics apparatus, including the new Vault Table. In addition to our spring floor, foam "marshmallow" pit and tumbling strip, bars and beam, gymnasts learn to bounce correctly on trampoline and our tumbling trampoline.
Make-Up Procedures
Should your child miss a lesson, we offer make-up classes (excluding gym holidays). Make-up classes must be scheduled in advance. Because we strive to maintain the optimal student-teacher ratio in each class, there are specific class day/times that are available for make-ups. No drop-in make-up classes will be accepted. All missed lessons, for whatever reason, must be made-up within 30 days. Thank you for your understanding.
What Should Children Wear?
Girls should wear a leotard or shorts and a t-shirt tucked in. Boys wear shorts and a t-shirt tucked in. For tumbling bare feet are best. Hair should be pulled back for safety, as long hair interferes with rolling, somersaulting and twisting skills. Please no gum or jewelry.
Parent and Tot - Walking through 2½
A parent and tot movement class emphasizing gymnastics skills for tots walking through 2 ½ years. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum includes music and games along with an introduction to size-appropriate gymnastics apparatus. An adult accompanies the child while exploring the gymnastics equipment and participating in group activities. The class is 45 minutes in length.
TumbleBear Tots - 2½ - 4 year olds
A preschool gymnastics curriculum for children 2½-4 years old. Young athletes discover movement patterns and are introduced to skills on gymnastics apparatus. Rolling, jumping, and swinging – all on gymnastics equipment and mats. This class and all our preschool classes challenge youngsters to experience their world in a whole new way and begin to understand how their bodies move. Beyond gymnastics, children practice how to stay in line, take turns, and follow instructions from the teacher. The class is 45 minutes in length.
Kindergarten - 4½-6 year olds
This 1-hour class parallels the physical, cognitive, and social development of the 4½-6 year old. Students explore all the gymnastics activities - vault, bars, beam, tumbling, and trampoline - while taking advantage of their new social and listening skills.
Beginner - 6 and up – 1st Grade and Older
A great introduction to gymnastics for children of all ages. This 1- hour class focuses on developing basic skills on all the apparatus including trampoline. We offer girls, co-ed and boys only classes.
Advanced Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced - 1st Grade and up
This 1- hour class builds on the foundation skills in gymnastics and introduces more complex skills. We recommend that students at this level take advantage of our 2nd class discounts to enroll in more than one class per week.
Open Gym - 6 and up
For ages 6 and older, non-members are welcome! A great opportunity to practice the skills of your choice. Staff is stationed at various apparatus to supervise and assist gymnasts during this 90-minute class. A fun evening of gymnastics that's a great supplement to regular classes.
Rates are $10 for Members and $15 for Non-Members. Open Gym is offered every Friday from 6:00 -8:00 p.m. during the school year sessions. (September through June) During our summer schedule Open Gym is offered every Thursday (starting in July) from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Unless otherwise posted.
Pre-Team Program for Competition- By invitation only
M & M's - 2x a week/1hr
Mini Group - 2x a week/1½hr
Maxi Group - 2x a week/2hr
Students who have mastered basic and intermediate skills and also show a special interest in gymnastics.
Team Programs - By tryout or invitation only
Gymnastics for All (GfA) Team
A great opportunity to participate in group activities, performances, and competitions.
Includes both Power TeamGym and Acro and Tumbling Teams.
Artistic Team
Berks East is known for producing top caliber athletes. We offer team opportunities for the developmental program levels 3 through 10 gymnast, as well as Excel Silver through Sapphire. Positions on the team are by try-out and invitation only. Call for an appointment. Our teams are among the most competitively successful in the area with many state championship titles!